
Leave a gift in your Will

A meaningful and thoughtful way to pay tribute to someone who has passed away is to make an In Memory Gift to Meningitis Centre Australia. Donors can make a one-off gift, or a family can request that an In Memory Gift be made in lieu of giving flowers.

A letter will be sent to the family or next of kin expressing condolences and acknowledging the support of all individuals who have made a gift in the name of their loved one. The amount donated will be expressed as the total sum of all donations in their loved one’s name, not as individual amounts.

When a family requests an In Memory Gift in lieu of flowers, Meningitis Centre Australia can supply Memory Gift envelopes for your loved one’s memorial service and delivered to the funeral director.

Include a gift in your will

We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s most-trusted end-of-life services site, to offer our supporters a free online will. You can write your will for free with Gathered Here and know that you’re making important preparations for your family while pledging a meaningful gift to a cause you care about.

Including a charitable gift in your will won’t impact your wealth during your lifetime, but it will have a meaningful impact on the world after you’ve gone. Leaving a gift in your will to Meningitis Centre Australia and leaving a legacy will mean that we can tackle and raise awareness of Meningitis, Meningococcal and Pneumococcal and other related diseases for generations to come.

If you have any questions regarding an In Memory Gift or a Gathered Here free will, we are here to help you. Simply contact info@meningitis.org.au

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If you suspect Meningitis seek urgent medical attention

Seek urgent medical advice if
you suspect meningitis

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